Policies and Handbooks » Technology Usage

Technology Usage

Staff and Student Acceptable Use Policy: Technology at PS 143

Internet and Device Usage Policy:





All technologies provided by the school are intended solely for educational purposes. You will be responsible  for the device that you are using at times. and the school may suspend or revoke your access if you violate rules. Be mindful that these technology resources are not confidential and can be monitored at any time to ensure appropriate use. When using the device for instructional purposes at the school, you must use the school’s wireless Internet services and refrain from using a personal wireless service.


This Responsible Use Policy and Agreement outlines the guidelines and behaviors that all users are expected to follow when using school technologies.


All devices are the property of PS 143. The students and staff should have no expectation of privacy of materials found on their device or a school supplied or supported email service. 


Always Remember:


The Internet is a vital part of our world, a place where we can find anything, even things no child should see.  It is possible that you may run across some materials you might find objectionable. The NYCDOE has filtering software in place to restrict access to such material, however it is not possible to absolutely prevent all inappropriate pictures, videos and content. While students are using their devices in your room do your best to monitor what they are up to.




  • The devices you were given are your responsibility, but not your property.
  • All devices will be collected at the end of the school year, and will be redistributed the following September, unless a NYCDOE Offsite Usage Form is signed and submitted.
  • All ConnectED devices must be secured at all times, especially when leaving for the day. 
  • Please make sure student devices must be returned to the proper cart at the end of each day and accounted for.
  • Devices must always remain in their protective cases.
  • All Asset IDs and Serial numbers will be recorded and you will be held responsible for the devices assigned to you.
  • Do not attempt to remove, alter, or change any identifying stickers and tags on the devices.
  • iPad Apps will be added to desired iPads via Server.  To request an App, please fill out the iPad Application Pushout Form
  • Please allow several days for apps to be “pushed out” to student devices if they are free apps.
  • Purchasing of Pay for Apps is subject to PS 143 administration approval. Not every request will be granted.
  • Monitor all activity on your accounts.
  • You need to respect the loading of applications and contents that are added to your devices by school personnel. Do not attempt to alter or delete content or settings that are placed on the devices.
  • You should understand that Administration will have access to all materials on your devices. 
  • Permission must be given by Administration to publish pictures, videos, projects or student work.  Any student work, picture or likeness, must have a signed NYCDOE Media Consent Form in order to be published.
  • Notify administrators immediately if there is damage to a student device or a teacher’s device as soon as possible.
  • For major issues such as network connectivity issues, broken devices and things of that nature, email Mr. Bergman- [email protected] as soon as possible.






All technologies provided by the school are intended solely for educational purposes.  You will be responsible for the device at all times when it has been given to you to use. Be mindful that these technology resources are not confidential and can be monitored at any time to ensure appropriate use. When using the device for instructional purposes at the school, you must use the school’s wireless Internet services and refrain from using a personal wireless service.


This Responsible Use Policy and Agreement outlines the guidelines and behaviors that all users are expected to follow when using school technologies.


  • The iPad you are using is property of PS 143.
  • Student devices must be returned to the proper cart at the end of each day and accounted for.
  • Devices must be plugged into charge at the end of each and every day.
  • Devices must always remain in their protective cases.
  • Do not attempt to color, decorate or change protective cases in any way.
  • All Asset IDs and SerialNumbers will be recorded and you will be held responsible for the devices assigned to you.
  • Do not attempt to remove, alter, or change any identifying stickers and tags on the devices.
  • Place devices in silent mode while in class.
  • Games, music, videos, and sound, will be at the discretion of the classroom teacher and building administrator.
  • You must ask permission prior to taking any photographs or video recording any person or activity.
  • Do not share personal information, including phone numbers, address, Social Security Number, birthday with anyone online.
  • Do not ever agree to meet in real life someone they met online without parental permission.
  • Report any suspicious activity to a trusted adult immediately.
  • Treat devices with extreme care, they are learning tools and need to be treated as such.  
  • If damage should occur to your device, notify your teacher immediately.





  • Using the devices or Internet for any illegal or inappropriate purposes.
  • Accessing the resources to knowingly alter, damage or delete School property or information.
  • Damaging electronic communications systems, or digital equipment, including knowingly introducing a virus to a device or network.
  • No writing or decoration of the cases is permitted unless authorized by the school.
  • Disabling or attempting to disable and Internet filtering devices is not permitted.
  • Using someone’s account without permission is prohibited.
  • Pretending to be someone else when posting, transmitting or receiving messages/email
  • Attempting to read, delete, copy, modify, or interfere with another user’s posting, transmittal, or receipt of electronic media.
  • Using resources to engage in conduct that harasses or bullies others.
  • Sending, posting, or possessing materials that are abusive, obscene, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal, including cyberbullying.
  • Using inappropriate language, vulgarity, ethnic or racial slurs, and any inflammatory language.
  • Using email or websites to engage or encourage illegal behavior or to threaten school safety.
  • Violating others’ intellectual property rights, including downloading or using copyrighted information without permission from the copyright holder.



  • Suspension of access to the school's technology resources.
  • Revocation of permission to use personal electronic devices for instructional purposes while in school.
  • Other disciplinary actions or legal action in accordance to school and NYCDOE Discipline Code



  • You must immediately report any known violations of the school’s acceptable policies, Internet safety plan, or acceptable use guidelines to either the Principal, Assistant Principals, or Technology Coordinator immediately.
  • You must report any requests for personal identifying information, as well as any content or communication that is abusive, obscene, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal to the administration of the school immediately.